Locke Consulting LLC

Technology Startups

Successfully starting a new technology company, particularly one involved with embedded systems, requires several key ingredients: money, technical expertise, broad business and technical experience, and a measure of luck.

Dr. Locke has worked closely with several technology start-ups, helping them to move to the next level to attract the funding and customers needed to get "off the ground."  In the process, he has developed the ability to provide some of the key technical and management leadership that will help overcome some of the unrealistic expectations of the start-up team, and to overcome many of the pitfalls that so often overtake start-ups.

With a low-cost retainer, Dr. Locke can be available to your start-up team to help get the initial work started and moved to successfully get to the next steps, all for a fraction of the cost of hiring a senior manager or technical leader.  Contact Dr. Locke to get more information and a quote!  In addition, ask about his ability to review your plans, both technical and managerial.